Welcome to the Adjudication Panel for Wales

The Adjudication Panel for Wales is an independent tribunal. Our function is to determine alleged breaches by elected and co-opted members of Welsh county, county borough and community councils, fire and national park authorities, against their authority’s statutory code of conduct.

Tribunal office arrangements

The tribunal continues to work remotely with limited access to items delivered by post. If possible, please ensure that any documents required by the tribunal (including application forms and written submissions) are sent by email to adjudication.panel@gov.wales.

If this is not possible, please contact the tribunal office on 0300 025 2777 for alternative arrangements.

The tribunal is listing hearings as normal. However, please note that in the majority of cases hearings are being listed virtually using the Tribunal's cloud video platform.

References from the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales (PSOW)

References from the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales (PSOW)

Cases of alleged breaches by elected and co-opted members of an authority’s statutory code of conduct are referred, by the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales to the Adjudication Panel for Wales, for determination. The Ombudsman will carry out its own investigation into allegations of breaches before deciding whether to make a referral.

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Appeals against standards committee decisions

Appeals against standards committee decisions

Elected and co-opted members can make an appeal to the Adjudication Panel for Wales against a decision, by an authority’s standards committee, that the member has breached the authority’s statutory code of conduct.

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All decisions made by the Adjudication Panel for Wales are available to view online.

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Upcoming tribunals

Tribunal hearings are usually open to the public to attend. A list of tribunal hearings, including details of upcoming tribunals, is available to view online.

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Information for witnesses

Witnesses can be asked to attend the tribunal hearing to provide evidence. The Adjudication Panel for Wales also has the power in certain circumstances to summons witnesses to attend the tribunal hearing.

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Information videos

Watch more videos about how the Adjudication Panel for Wales works and its processes.

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Our background

The Adjudication Panel for Wales, its members and decisions is an independent body established under Part III of the Local Government Act 2000. The tribunal is funded by the Welsh Government but the tribunal, the members and decisions of the Adjudication Panel for Wales, are independent of Government. Statistical information and an annual account of activities is provided in the Annual Report for the Adjudication Panel for Wales.

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Please contact us if you have any questions or cannot find what you are looking for.