Information for witnesses

Witnesses can be called by the member who is the subject of the alleged breach to attend the tribunal hearing to provide evidence. The Adjudication Panel for Wales also has the power to call witnesses and in certain circumstances to summons witnesses to attend a tribunal hearing.

Our guidance booklet about information for witnesses, can be downloaded from this website or, if you would like a copy sent to you, please contact us.

  • Information for Witnesses, our guidance booklet contains important information about what happens when a witness is called or summonsed to give evidence at a tribunal hearing and the role of the witness and the expenses scheme for witnesses for attending a tribunal hearing.

Our forms for witnesses who have been called or summonsed to attend a tribunal hearing can be downloaded by using the links below or if you would like a copy sent to you, please contact us.

  • Witness Attendance Form, where a witness has been called or summonsed by the tribunal we will ask the witness to complete an attendance form. Where a witness has been called by the member who is the subject of the alleged breach it is for that member to ensure that a witness attendance form is completed and submitted to the tribunal.
  • Witness Expenses Claim Form, witnesses may be entitled to claim expenses where they have been called or summonsed to attend a tribunal hearing. Our guidance booklet about information for witnesses provides important information about the circumstances when expenses can be claimed and the amount.