
Here you will find the latest news from the Adjudication Panel for Wales.

President and Deputy President of the Adjudication Panel for Wales

With effect from 1 July 2024, the new President of the Adjudication Panel for Wales will be Judge Meleri Tudur. Judge Tudur is and will remain the deputy chamber president for the First-Tier Tribunal Health, Education and Social Care. Also with effect from 1 July 2024, Upper Tribunal Judge Edell Fitzpatrick will be the new deputy President of the Adjudication Panel for Wales. Current President Claire Sharp will be retiring from the Panel, while current deputy President Siân McRobie will remain as a non-legal member.

Tribunal reform

Following a review by the Law Commission of the devolved tribunals, the Welsh Government has started to develop the detailed policy to take forward reform of the devolved tribunals in Wales, including the Adjudication Panel for Wales. 

The plans, which include creating a unified first tier Tribunal for Wales as part of a structurally independent Tribunal Service and creating an Appeals Tribunal for Wales, have been detailed in a wide ranging, cross government document Delivering Justice for Wales and accompanying summary and work programme.